Saturday, September 8, 2012

A lot

A lot has happened since the last time I was on here. Where to start

Ashton and Faith have survived the first two weeks of school. They both love it, so far, and have have great days with no sign in for behavior. I would like to know who stole and replaced my kids with these aliens and when are they coming back? The school had meet the teacher night this past Thursday and they both seem to have great ones, Thank goodness as you just never know.

Faith is definitely pre-teen with attitude, which yes is being worked on. Lord I am not ready for this stage so many prayers are appreciated! :)

Ashton is still just Ashton/Haley's jungle gym. She sure does love climbing on her brother.

Haley is becoming "more" independent which saddens me and excites me. She is such a big help. She helps with the laundry, throws things away, cleans up after herself. As long as you give her a command she will usually do it. She now says "Sawry (sorry) Mommy/Daddy/Meemaw". And yes it is used in the correct context. The past couple of days she has learned some cute things. She now empties the pots and pans from the cabinet and plays inside. She says "stirkle" for circle, and grabs at her diaper to let you know she has to go. We are starting on the potty train!

As for James and I, work, work, work and a little play. I survived lay-offs at work (please pray for those who did not) and James has a new toy car that he has been tinkering with.

Prayers for my Goddaughter Savannah as she is having surgery on Friday the 14th to get tubes in her ears and possible adenoid removal. Poor baby can not stop having ear infections.

Oh and my sister turned 32 last Sunday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

That's all for now...I think!

Love Rachel

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