Saturday, November 10, 2012

Halloween and Pumpkin Patch

Hallowen was just over a week ago and I am already excited for next year. Haley had a blast going door-to-door snatching candy from the unsuspecting neighbor. She went as Minnie Mouse, or Mimmie as she calls her. She loves Mickey Mouse and all that is associated with him. We walked up the street, said hi to the puppy (our neighbors dog that comes to the fence for Haley to pet, and we can never walk by that house without saying hi), met a new friend, played with old ones and learned how to ring a doorbell. James and I ended up giving away most of her candy because she couldn'teat it but we did not give away her chocolate. She LOVES chocolate in all lilts glory. It does not matter what kind or what is in it she will eat it and get it all over her face and fingers. She is so cute!

After Trick-or-Treating we came home to pass out candy to the neighborhood kiddos. Haley was so helpful saying hi and bye, thank you and you're welcome. She even passed out candy. She has such an amazingly loving personality. I sure hope she doesn't loose it!

My mom and I also went to the Pumpkin Patch with Haley. My mom got the best picture! Haley looks like she is smiling when in fact she is screaming!
Love my Haleybug!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A lot

A lot has happened since the last time I was on here. Where to start

Ashton and Faith have survived the first two weeks of school. They both love it, so far, and have have great days with no sign in for behavior. I would like to know who stole and replaced my kids with these aliens and when are they coming back? The school had meet the teacher night this past Thursday and they both seem to have great ones, Thank goodness as you just never know.

Faith is definitely pre-teen with attitude, which yes is being worked on. Lord I am not ready for this stage so many prayers are appreciated! :)

Ashton is still just Ashton/Haley's jungle gym. She sure does love climbing on her brother.

Haley is becoming "more" independent which saddens me and excites me. She is such a big help. She helps with the laundry, throws things away, cleans up after herself. As long as you give her a command she will usually do it. She now says "Sawry (sorry) Mommy/Daddy/Meemaw". And yes it is used in the correct context. The past couple of days she has learned some cute things. She now empties the pots and pans from the cabinet and plays inside. She says "stirkle" for circle, and grabs at her diaper to let you know she has to go. We are starting on the potty train!

As for James and I, work, work, work and a little play. I survived lay-offs at work (please pray for those who did not) and James has a new toy car that he has been tinkering with.

Prayers for my Goddaughter Savannah as she is having surgery on Friday the 14th to get tubes in her ears and possible adenoid removal. Poor baby can not stop having ear infections.

Oh and my sister turned 32 last Sunday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

That's all for now...I think!

Love Rachel

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Locked Out

Just before lunch time today I received a call from my husband who sounded rather stressed. Haley was crying in the background. When I asked what was wrong he said"your daughter locked me out of the house for 20 minutes!" ( Of she was my daughter, she always belongs to the other person when she is crazy) Haley is at the age where she is fascinated by everything and wants to do everything. James had gone outside to take the trash out and my OCD daughter HATES open doors. She shut it behind him and locked it. Haley only knows how to turn the lock one way. As she wiggled the door knob and cried for her daddy he was desperatly trying to get in. He went from front to back trying different ways to get her to open the door, accidently letting the dogs out in the process. He finally got in and our daughter just wanted to be held.

Lately I have been taking my keys with me when I step outside because I was afraid something like this was going to happen. I would freak out so I'm glad it happened to my husband and not me.

One of our neighbors ended up catching our dogs and bringing them back . James was so annoyed that they ran off he told me he didn't care if they came back or not and he was not going to chase them down the street. Of course it's when you don't care that they come back.

Haley ended up taking a 4 hour nap today. James had to go wake her up. She is either growing again or was so distraut from not being able to get to her daddy that she was exhausted.

Thankfully today was just a good wake up call and not a disaster!!

Love Rachel

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Start

Good Morning! I started this blog so that my family and friends, near and far, could get updates on my crazy family. I hope everyone enjoys.

So far today has been wonderful. Woke up this morning and the sun was shining. Haley was sleeping peaceully coved by her pillow, instead of her blanket. And now we are watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Her absolute favorite show!!

Last night James and I took Haley to watch Faith play Basketball. Haley was not shy about screaming mumbles onto the court at her sister. She sure was cheering her on and it was wonderful. Faith did such an amazing job! Her team won 2 out of the 3 games they played. i think they would have won their 3rd game, but they were just tired from playing so much.

Time to ger ready for church and the rest of the day! Hopefully pictures to come soon! As soon as I get more batteries for my camera! :)

Love Rachel