Saturday, November 10, 2012

Halloween and Pumpkin Patch

Hallowen was just over a week ago and I am already excited for next year. Haley had a blast going door-to-door snatching candy from the unsuspecting neighbor. She went as Minnie Mouse, or Mimmie as she calls her. She loves Mickey Mouse and all that is associated with him. We walked up the street, said hi to the puppy (our neighbors dog that comes to the fence for Haley to pet, and we can never walk by that house without saying hi), met a new friend, played with old ones and learned how to ring a doorbell. James and I ended up giving away most of her candy because she couldn'teat it but we did not give away her chocolate. She LOVES chocolate in all lilts glory. It does not matter what kind or what is in it she will eat it and get it all over her face and fingers. She is so cute!

After Trick-or-Treating we came home to pass out candy to the neighborhood kiddos. Haley was so helpful saying hi and bye, thank you and you're welcome. She even passed out candy. She has such an amazingly loving personality. I sure hope she doesn't loose it!

My mom and I also went to the Pumpkin Patch with Haley. My mom got the best picture! Haley looks like she is smiling when in fact she is screaming!
Love my Haleybug!